
ERBS Annual Event

14 Oct 2024 – 15 Oct 2024Sheraton Poznan Hotel, Poznan, Poland

GHG – Accelerating Progress for a Resilient Beef Sector

Members only

The member only 2024 ERBS Annual Event, hosted in partnership with, will take place on 14th and 15th October in Poznan, Poland.

In line with ERBS’ objective to reduce GHG emissions from European beef production, this year’s event will be focused on “GHG: Accelerating Progress for a Resilient Beef Sector”.

This theme will form the basis for an intimate, inspiring and interactive two-day event incorporating field visits, keynote speakers, member case studies and interactive workshops. The event promises to be a great opportunity for members to come together and discuss the challenges and opportunities facing the European beef industry, to learn and form solution-building partnerships, and to shape the agenda of the ERBS going forward.

Engaging stakeholders from across the European beef sector, the agenda for 14th October will be conference based, opening with a keynote on the business case for GHG emission reduction for the European beef sector followed by an exclusive presentation on how Poland are taking a holisitic approach to GHG with science and measurement. Members will also have the opportunity to engage in insightful discussions centred on adapting action on GHG to the local context, the farmer perspective and the power of value chain collaboration in accelerating progress.

The second day of the event includes farm visits to some of the leaders in beef farming sustainability in Poland. Members will benefit from a unique opportunity to get out in the field and engage directly with farmers before a group discussion on how best to respond as the European beef sector.

Back in the conference room, the event will close with two panel debates focused on ‘Taking a whole value chain approach is the way to accelerate progress on GHG action’ and ‘Progress on GHG also relies on making progress on nature topics such as biodiversity.’

If you are an ERBS member interested in attending the event, please email Siobhán Bradley, Livestock Officer at .