
Knowledge sharing is key to the development and transition to regenerative agriculture

18th July 2022

SAI Platform webinar series

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SAI Platform is bringing together guest speakers
and partner organisations to provide expertise on
some of the key challenges and next steps
in the transition to regenerative agriculture.

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For over 20 years SAI Platform has created a thriving community of sustainability professionals from across the food and drink value chain. Core to the foundation of this community is understanding the importance of knowledge sharing. SAI Platform’s events such as webinars and training engage and inform members and the wider sustainable agriculture eco-sphere.

SAI Platform’s most recent collaborative initiative is currently galvanising members to come together and create an aligned approach for regenerative agriculture for the industry, farmers, and food systems.

Hereby, through a series of webinars SAI Platform is bringing together guest speakers and partner organisations to provide the relevance and expertise on some of the key challenges and next steps in the transition to regenerative agriculture.

The latest member-only webinar in this regenerative agriculture series will be held on Tuesday 19th July. Members will hear from speakers including Scott Day, Director of Agronomy and Giulia Stellari, Director at Fall Line Capital as well as Erin Heitkamp, VP of Sustainability and Farm Product Marketing at Water Asset Management. Discussions will delve into engaging with landowners and farmland investors and their consequential role in driving the adoption of soil conservation and regenerative practices.

Already in June, members attended a webinar hosted by Yara to discuss the role of mineral fertilisers in soil fertility and regenerative agriculture. Experts from Yara included Tommaso Stella, Senior Strategic & Commercial Analyst, addressing balancing nutrition while agronomist Anke Kwast, VP Climate Neutral Roadmap & Business Support, spoke about sustainable nitrogen management as well as presenting alongside Silvia Tonti, VP Circular Economy and Nature Solutions, a Regenerative Agriculture Toolbox.

Key insights from this webinar revealed how mineral fertilisers can be used to supplement organic nutrient cycles as well as how to manage nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) within planetary boundaries rather than nitrogen input use.

The regenerative agriculture webinar series started earlier this year in March, when SAI Platform hosted together with Earthworm Foundation to discuss the importance of regenerating soil in a way that is non-punitive to farmers and scientifically sound.

Multiple speakers including Bastien Sachet, CEO at the Earthworm Foundation, Matthieu Archambeaud, CEO, Agronomist and expert in regenerative agriculture at Icosysteme and Antoine Lefebvre, CEO & co-founder at KERMAP among others, highlighted the need to balance the science with pragmatism and to ensure that regenerative agriculture remains implementable at farm level.

SAI Platform will continue to bring different actors in the agri-food sector together to have the necessary discussions to drive transformation.

To join this member only webinar on July 19th register here.

All webinar recordings can be found on My SAI Platform.