SAI Platform
Sustainable agriculture for a better world
Growing a sustainable, healthy and resilient agricultural sector whilst creating strong and secure supply chains.
Who we are
SAI Platform brings together over 190 member companies and organisations leading the way in sustainable agriculture worldwide.
Programmes & Tools
SAI Platform develops programmes and tools to help you see the bigger picture and make change on the ground.
European Roundtable for Beef Sustainability
Bringing stakeholders together to accelerate the sustainability of beef production.
Farm Sustainability Assessment
Assess, improve, and validate on-farm sustainability in your supply chain.
Regenerating Together Programme
Building the regenerative capacity of agriculture through a global, farmer-centred, industry-led initiative.
Sustainable Dairy Partnership
Industry collaboration for the continuous improvement of sustainability in the dairy sector.
Our work
Our activities deliver value to our members, through pre-competitive collaboration and knowledge sharing.
From Tradition to Transformation: Daniel Lovett’s Journey in Regenerative Farming
Pioneering Change: How Regenerative Agriculture is Transforming Potato Farming in New Zealand
SAI Platform unveils the next iteration of the Regenerating Together Programme Global Framework
Regenerative agriculture increasing yields and reducing GHG emissions
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Join these global leaders committed to helping grow sustainable agriculture now and for the future.