European Roundtable for Beef Sustainability

Shaping the future of European beef sustainability

Resource Centre ERBS FAQs

European Roundtable for Beef Sustainability illustration

A multi-stakeholder organisation focused on European beef sustainability from farm to fork.

The ERBS unites and coordinates sustainability programmes around a common agenda to deliver measurable and positive impact within the beef value chain. We are aligned to the principles of the Global Roundtable for Sustainable Beef (GRSB) and other major international bodies.

Our Vision picture

Our Vision

We believe we can achieve a world in which all aspects of the beef value chain are environmentally sound, socially responsible and economically viable.

Our Mission picture

Our Mission

That all aspects of the beef value chain are recognised for delivering measurable positive impacts and continuous improvement towards key sustainability priorities.

Why join the ERBS?

To work collaboratively with other organisations committed to continuously improve the sustainability of European beef production.

Farmers and allied industry organisations illustration

Farmers and allied industry organisations

  • Visibly demonstrate sustainable farming practices in your country
    on a European stage.
  • Show continuous improvement through achieving aligned targets.
  • Help us to shape a joint vision of the future of the beef industry by being part of the conversation.
Processing, retail and food service illustration

Processing, retail and food service

  • Help your suppliers to implement aligned sustainability practices.
  • Highlight the advances on sustainability in supply chains throughout Europe to your customers.
  • Give greater visibility to meat industry benefits.
Civil society groups illustration

Civil society groups

  • Be a valued part of the only Europe-wide framework to measure and address multiple aspects of the sustainability of beef production.
  • Connect and constructively collaborate with partners in the beef industry on aligned sustainable practices.
  • Advance the sustainability of beef production and actively contribute to the progress being made across Europe.

How does ERBS work?

ERBS recognises and reinforces national and local programmes.

Europe has diverse production systems and climates. That is why the ERBS welcomes and supports stakeholders to develop their own approach in a locally relevant way.

Our aim goes beyond compliance to demonstrate continuous improvement and work towards measurable sustainability outcomes.

To achieve this, we consulted and agreed on four action areas that focus on eight outcome targets to align all Platforms within European countries.

How does ERBS work illustration

Action areas and outcome targets

Environment illustration


  1. An intensity reduction of 15% in GHG emissions by 2025, with the aim of recognising the positive role beef production can contribute to mitigating climate change through reduction strategies and sequestration.
Animal medicines illustration

Animal medicines

  1. Total usage of antibiotics below 10mg/Kg by 2023.
  2. Reductions of 50% in the use of HP-CIAs by 2023.
Animal health and welfare illustration

Animal health and welfare

  1. Target mortality rates are below 1.5%. For systems with mortality rates above this target, a year on year reduction of 20% should be achieved.
  2. All animals to have access to loose housing (when housed) by 2030.
  3. All animals are given pain relief (analgesics) for all surgical procedures and for all forms of castration, dehorning and disbudding.
Farm management illustration

Farm management

  1. A reduction in serious accidents (reportable; ref: European Reporting Framework) on farm and a reduction in fatalities with an overall target of zero.
  2. Financially viable farms that have a business plan in place.

What is a platform?

A group of cross-sector European stakeholders who are working together towards more sustainable beef production.

Platforms are coordinated at country-level and can be existing organisations, programmes or schemes, or new groups from across industry, academia, government and society.  illustration

Platforms are coordinated at country-level and can be existing organisations, programmes or schemes, or new groups from across industry, academia, government and society.

European countries France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Poland and the United Kingdom each have a Platform illustration

European countries France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Poland and the United Kingdom each have a Platform.

The ERBS recognises Platforms committed to working towards the eight outcome targets illustration

The ERBS recognises Platforms committed to working towards the eight outcome targets.

ERBS recognition is measured across three stages. Platforms apply to ERBS for recognition, then implement their activity plans and finally, report annually against their progress illustration

ERBS recognition is measured across three stages. Platforms apply to ERBS for recognition, then implement their activity plans and finally, report annually against their progress.

Claire Donoghue
Chair ERBS quote picture

“The ERBS is capturing the enthusiasm of our entire supply chain. Our aim is to make a difference and drive the sustainability of beef production.”

Claire Donoghue Chair ERBS

Join a growing movement

The following leading companies and organisations are part of the European Roundtable for Beef Sustainability.

BADER illustration


Bord Bia picture

Bord Bia

Dawn Meats picture

Dawn Meats

Interbev picture


Kepak illustration


Mars illustration


McDonald’s illustration


Polish Beef Association picture

Polish Beef Association

Premier Foods picture

Premier Foods

Tonnies Group illustration

Tonnies Group

Polish Union of Livestock Breeders and Producers picture

Polish Union of Livestock Breeders and Producers

ABP Food Group illustration

ABP Food Group

EC Medina picture

EC Medina

Moy Park picture

Moy Park

Inalca picture


Hilton Food illustration

Hilton Food

Red Tractor picture

Red Tractor

Ahold Delhaize illustration

Ahold Delhaize

OSI Food Solutions picture

OSI Food Solutions

El Encinar de Humienta picture

El Encinar de Humienta

LMC picture


QMS illustration


Orkla illustration


Barilla illustration


VION illustration