
COVID-19: Impact on agricultural supply chain continuity

9th June 2020

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The coronavirus outbreak has caused disruption and restriction on an unprecedented scale across the global food system. As an advocate of industry engagement and dialogue, we recognise that transparency, collaboration and willingness to share and learn as an industry has never been more important. In this series of regular updates, we explore how members are responding to the coronavirus outbreak and how industry experts and organisations are advising on necessary implementations for supply chain continuity.

9th June 2020

COVID-19 measures to improve food security

The COVID-19 pandemic is just the latest of catastrophes to hit the continent of Africa. Climate change has already exposed sub-Saharan Africa as particularly vulnerable with issues of food security among many. This IMF blog takes a look at why and how sub-Saharan Africa must adapt to climate change in order to safeguard progress already achieved and continue forward.

A new sustainable, fair and resilient social contract

The urgency to address the global climate crisis has not disappeared and a key part of the recovery strategy from the corona virus pandemic must also tackle climate solution. This high-level overview examines the need to “build back better” – UN Secretary General , António Guterres – and why now is a once in a generation moment to accelerate the transition to a more resilient growth model.

EU Reporter

26th May 2020

The “now normal”

The latest report from KPMG Agribusiness Agenda examines the “now normal” for the food and fibre sector as it emerges from the pandemic. Although focused on New Zealand, this supplement highlights changing trends and opportunities that will resonate on a global scale.

25th May 2020

COVID-19 Business Community

SAI Platform’s working partner the International Trade Centre (ITC) has created a new site to provide insights and guidance for small businesses searching for ways to cope with the operational stress generated by the COVID-19 pandemic. This new site – COVID-19 Business Community – uses crowdsourcing to share and learn about best practices during this time.

11th May 2020

Transforming to resilient food system

According to IPES, COVID-19 has exposed certain systemic weaknesses and inequalities in both our health and food systems. This report examines how by protecting the vulnerable, moving towards more agroecological systems, rebalancing state and civil society and reforming international food systems governance are necessary components in order to build a food system transformation that builds resilience at all levels.

30th April 2020

Protecting the most vulnerable across the supply chain

The protection of the most vulnerable in the food supply chain, namely smallholder farmers, is high on the list as an immediate call to action. As one of the most fragile links in the supply chain, smallholder farmers are now more reliant than ever on business continuity, responsible business conduct and extra support.

Analysing the impact

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations have promptly published a series of policy briefs and papers analysing the impact of the coronavirus for the food supply chain and giving recommendation.

Finding new supply chain partners

Teaming up with new supply chain partners is helping to redirect produce that would otherwise be wasted due to the corona virus shutdown of foodservice outlets.

Consumer trends in retail

Having taken steps to protect employees and customers, retailers increasingly need to plan for the recovery ahead—and for a much swifter transition to profitable e-commerce. Early indicator consumer trends include increased demand for ultra-convenience, greater price sensitivity and a more favourable climate for local brands.

COVID-19 has shocked the food-supply system like nothing in modern history. This podcast from Freakonomics examines the winners, the losers, the unintended consequences — and just how much toilet paper one household really needs.