Farming for Sustainable Development: the positive impact of farming
10th June 2020
As the global population is anticipated to reach 10 billion by 2050, agriculture is integral to support the growing demand for food production and livelihoods of individuals everywhere. While there is the potential to grow this industry sustainably to meet these needs, there are also challenges that can put agriculture in conflict with the environment. Unfortunately, it is the examples of the negative impact of farming that is often the central focus of conversations around agriculture.
To address this imbalance, the ‘Farming for Sustainable Development’ project is compiling positive examples that showcase the ability of farming to be part of the solution and provide a resource to SAI Platform members for when developing communications about sustainability.
We are currently recruiting member organisations who are interested in contributing to this project as members of our steering committee to provide direction and oversight to the project goals, as well as members who want to contribute positive examples from across their supply chains.
SAI Platform members work consistently to create positive outcomes for their communities, growers, and surrounding environment and the Farming for Sustainable Development will be a reflection of this endeavour.