We welcome Milchindustrie-Verband (MIV) as a SAI Platform affiliate member
21st October 2022

“Through engagement with SAI Platform, MIV will offer dairies and their supplying farms more support in the sustainable development of milk production and initiate a dialogue on the relevant topics and processes towards a more sustainable dairy sector. ”
Marcin Preidl, Referent, Milchindustrie-Verband (MIV).
Milchindustrie-Verband (MIV) is the Association of the German Dairy Industry representing approximately 80 member companies, covering almost the entire dairy industry in Germany. MIV is the central support and information platform for the dairy industry in the country.
MIV convenes stakeholders of the dairy industry on environmental sustainability and climate change and has developed the “QM Milk Standard” and “QM Dairy Sustainability Tool”. This National Programme is an instrument for recording and assessing sustainability aspects on dairy farms. Science and practice have jointly developed this tool with the involvement of stakeholders along the dairy value chain. It comprises more than 80 criteria from the areas of economy, ecology, social aspects and animal welfare.
To learn more about Milchindustrie-Verband (MIV): visit their website.