
Business for Nature: Securing A Resilient Future – A Call to Action

1 Jul 2020GoToWebinar

9 am EST – 3 pm CET

Sustainability Insights continues its series of interactive webinars to address the important issues facing the agri-food business today.

Nature is everyone’s business! It underpins our prosperity and wellbeing by providing economic value and security, supporting human development and equality, and increasing our resilience to climate change.

Businesses rely on nature for resources such as food; ecosystem services such as pollination of crops, water filtration, waste decomposition, climate sequestration and climate regulation; and healthy and prosperous societies that give them their customers and workforces.

As partner and supporter of this global coalition, SAI Platform’s next webinar “Business for Nature: Securing a Resilient Future – A Call to Action” will cover:

  • An introduction to Business for Nature – the business case
  • How Business for Nature fits within Unilever’s and Danone’s programme – The path towards a resilient business.
  • Demonstrating business action calling for governments to reverse nature loss.
  • Why supporting can be crucial to SAI Platform members and to the entire agri-food industry – A call to action to join the community.
  • Q&A Session


  • Maelle Pelisson, Advocacy Director, Business for Nature
  • Yann-Gaël Rio, V.P. Global Milk Procurement, Sustainability and R&D, Danone
  • Ed Shepherd, Global Sustainability Senior Manager, Unilever
  • Jan Kees Vis, Global Director Sustainable Sourcing Development, Unilever

Moderated by Adrian Greet, Director General, SAI Platform.