
On the Road with Peter-Erik

25th January 2018

On the Road with Peter-Erik

And here’s something straight from the horse’s mouth…

I hope you are doing well and have had a good start to 2018. I certainly have had a special one!

For those who weren’t aware, I have been biking against the wind in stormy Europe for the past 2 weeks. I am at 1/5, of my way to Doñana in the south of Spain and home to a farmers’ project of SAI Platform.

I have stayed most of my time with incredibly hospitable farmers. I am sharing their stories and my observations on my brand-new website, with a ‘slider’ featuring all the farms, farmers and a blog. You can read my most recent blogpost at

I hope it inspires you and I hope it encourages your response or engagement in discussion…

Have a nice day,


>> Follow Peter-Erik on his website ‘Connecting Farmers’ 

>> Subscribe to Peter-Erik’s blog