
SAI Platform launches Climate Conversations

16th February 2023

SAI Platform webinar series

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A knowledge building approach from SAI Platform’s Crops Working Group’s to support the transition to Climate Smart Agriculture

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In response to the rapidly shifting landscape in which the food and drink sector operates, SAI Platform’s Crops Working Group has developed a Climate Smart Agriculture workstream with the mandate to build an aligned industry approach for measurable GHG emissions mitigation and resilience building across agriculture. 

Transition at an industry scale requires coordinated behavioural change and to help accelerate the necessary collective understanding, SAI Platform is launching a ‘Climate Conversations’ webinar series in February 2023.  

Running from February through to December 2023, the Climate Conversations webinar series is designed to travel with members on their climate journey. The objective is to offer the necessary guidance at each step of the way as members embark on the first phase of gaining an understanding of the agricultural GHG emissions within their value chains, through to informing action which can drive change at scale, as part of a just transition. 

In partnership with our members, Danone, Ingredion, Nestle, PepsiCo, and key partners and external experts including AgriCircle, Cool Farm Alliance, Field to Market: The Alliance for Sustainable Agriculture™, Quantis, and Stenon, Climate Conversations  is a carefully curated knowledge build webinar series pulling together global expertise, best practice, and key innovations. It has been specifically designed to follow the journey that our member organisations are themselves following, to extract key learning points and spark high value discussions which can lead to catalytic action across the food and drink sector.

“We recognise that the members of the Crops Working Group are at various stages in their journey to work with growers. It’s really critical that we understand those journeys and extract best practices that will accelerate the industry towards our ultimate goals. The great news is that our members already have lots of expertise and we are confident that we have found a more efficient way of sharing it.”

Brian Nash, Vice President, Corporate Sustainability, Ingredion


Climate Conversations will kick off on 23rd February with a deep dive into how members can best leverage secondary data available through existing LCA databases to inform their agricultural emissions baseline, target setting, and where to prioritise further action.  

Follow up sessions will explore the additional value of investing in approaches to model and track GHG emissions reductions using farm level tools, which integrate primary data from within the value chain. Speakers will dive further into the implications of different measurement approaches and innovations in line with member’s strategic goals and the existing reporting frameworks in which they operate. 

Later in the series, the approach to GHG emissions mitigation will be integrated with other key business risk factors to explore how members can holistically drive change. Stakeholder engagement will form a fundamental component of the series, with a session focused on understanding and collaborating with farmers and suppliers along this journey, to ensure solutions first meet their needs. The series will finish by considering the best ways that change can be incentivised and mobilised within the current and future global landscape, ensuring we stimulate a ‘just transition’. 

Throughout the series, we will be fostering a safe space for participants to share, learn, and collectively grow our understanding of how to confidently drive positive, aligned change across the agriculture sector.