SAI Platform shines Spotlight on Members’ priorities
27th May 2020
New functionalities help demonstrate Spotlight’s continuing value to members in preparation for the next wave of projects and working group priorities.
These latest updates have enabled three key areas where SAI Platform is exploring potential new projects such as: orange production in the USA; hazelnut production in Italy as well as enabling our members to input into UN-FAO activities and funding programmes in Indonesia.
Spotlight is SAI Platform’s tool to catalyse collaboration. Available to members free of charge, Spotlight highlights members’ priorities through an interactive database and map. Members of SAI Platform can engage their own sustainability and procurement teams, locally and globally, to input their priorities into the tool.
As a unique tool, Spotlight demonstrates where members are active and want to pre-competitively collaborate with other members to achieve sustainability goals. It gives a clear view of where members’ priorities lie to help steer project and working group priorities. Spotlight also provides members with the intelligence that enables them to explore opportunities, to engage locally and to achieve company sustainability targets.
Several recent updates to the tool enable greater interoperability and ease of use:
- Updated product list is now more intuitive and easier to find the products you want to search for or list;
- Limited access has enabled cross-pollination of ideas and activities with other NGOs and sister organisations while maintaining confidentiality of members and member data;
- Expansion of livestock allows for further exploration at cross-commodity areas of opportunity and reaching common sourcing targets.
Log on today and update your priorities, include your team members in the tool, and engage with others!