
Sustainable Sourcing in Food and Fibre

SAI Platform Australia has jointly developed a Micro-Certificate course on Sustainable Sourcing in Food and Fibre with the University of Melbourne Centre for Professional and Continuing Education.

SAI Platform members are invited to encourage their Australian teams to take part in the 6 week course taking place online between 27th February and 9th April to gain specialist skills in implementing sustainable sourcing along company supply chains.

The Melbourne MicroCert will equip sustainability, marketing and procurement professionals with the fundamental knowledge required to apply sustainable sourcing along supply chains in an environment where there is a growing demand for greater social accountability.

Participants will have the opportunity to analyse international trends and explore the key drivers of sustainable sourcing, drawing on proven models for integrating sustainability into the sourcing process, and industry case studies from SAI platform members.

The course is deigned to allow this upskilling to be undertaken in a timely and efficient manner that does not detract from day-to-day work commitments.

For more information on the course, please see this flyer and here is a link to the University website course enrolment page.

For further questions related to the course, please contact Selwyn Heilbron on Ph: +61 418 548 099 or Email: