Building an industry consensus on regenerative agriculture
25th March 2021
Regenerative agriculture as a system, takes the sustainability concept in agriculture to a more systemic level. However, regenerative agriculture in practice has varying interpretations, sometimes resulting in conflicting messages to the market and consumers, but more adverse, to the farmers themselves. To date, there is little industry consensus around the principles and approach to implementation, resulting in a lack of alignment that is detrimental to efforts to improve the regenerative capacity of farms.
It is towards building an industry consensus, that SAI Platform’s Regenerative Agriculture project is working with members and partners around the globe to harmonise the industry around an aligned approach to scale meaningful regenerative agriculture practices.
Using the Regenerative Agriculture Principles, SAI Platform and members directly involved in this project, have mapped key drivers and indicators that can be used as tools, in conjunction with technologies, systems and services available to farmers, to understand and evaluate a farm’s progress from low- to high- regenerative capacity.
The Menu of Indicators is an additional tool that farmers, supply chains and companies can use to build consensus globally to scale a harmonised approach to regenerative agriculture, collaborate and synergise with existing programmes and partners, and connect with members around scaling opportunities in specific regions.
The project has recently appointed a new Steering Committee that is guiding development of a Regenerative Agriculture Framework. The framework will enable farmers and companies to embed continuous improvement plans informed by regenerative principles, into their FSA and associated benchmarked verification work with the aim of minimising burden, maximising implementation and scalability, and prioritising action on the field.
SAI Platform is working with members and partners around the globe to harmonise the industry around an aligned approach to scale meaningful regenerative agriculture practices. To be a part of this industry alignment, simply input your interest into Spotlight !
Engaging with our members and building upon industry knowledge and learning around regenerative agriculture is crucial if we are going to progress. Join our ‘Regenerative agriculture knowledge share’ webinar series beginning on 28 April with “Transitioning livestock systems to regenerative”.