
Executive Committee elections

13th July 2022

SAI Platform is electing a new Executive Committee

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All members regardless of sector or size are strongly encouraged to consider standing for election.

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SAI Platform is pleased to announce that it is electing a new Executive Committee (ExCo). The 9 new or re-elected ExCo members will be decided by 21st September and formally voted into role at SAI Platform’s General Assembly due to take place in Cambridge, United Kingdom on 6th October 2022.

ExCo plays a pivotal role in leading SAI Platform and to date the membership and the Secretariat have benefitted from the dedication, drive and industry knowledge that the ExCo members have brought to the organisation. This has no doubt led to the growth of SAI Platform and it is hoped that the newly elected members will continue to build on this success by providing the guidance needed to achieve the organisation’s ambitious 2025 strategy.

All members regardless of sector or size are strongly encouraged to consider standing for election. Affiliate members are not eligible for election to ExCo.

SAI Platform strives to have a diverse and balanced representation in the Executive Committee. Representatives from small and large member organisations covering all categories including retail, manufacturing and farmer cooperatives are encouraged to stand for election. Broad global representation and gender balance are also important.

The ExCo works with the Secretariat to drive activities, ensure strategic objectives are aligned with the vision and purpose and oversee the financial viability of the Platform. For more details, consult the Terms of Reference for ExCo members.

Consisting of representatives of full member companies elected by the General Assembly, the ExCo has a very proactive role in leading and providing guidance to the organisation. Members are elected for a two-year period and can be re-elected for further terms.

SAI Platform thanks the outgoing ExCo for the hard work, time and energy that they have invested throughout their tenure on the Committee. It is greatly appreciated by both Members and the Secretariat.