
FSA – the industry solution generating interest in China

26th November 2020

Sustainable development has become an important area of focus for China’s agri-food industry. SAI Platform sees this as an opportunity for members with operations in China to create and share knowledge as well as implement industry solutions such as the Farm Sustainability Assessment (FSA), that can assess, improve and validate on-farm sustainability in supply chains.

On Friday 30th October, SAI Platform organised an interactive online FSA learning session to provide information and support knowledge sharing. Hosted by Angela Hu, SAI Platform’s Beijing-based consultant, the event was attended by 45 people from different companies with interests across a range of crops.

The event focused on how the FSA addresses two specific areas of importance with a growing interest, namely biodiversity and soil health.

In China it is becoming increasingly recognised that mono-crop farming is having a detrimental effect on biodiversity and impacting so many aspects of the farm.”, commented Angela Hu.

We are very clear about this now and feel the urgency to do something to change the practices that are having a negative impact.

The sessions included case studies to discuss in-depth improvement measures and practical implementation at farm level.

The FSA provides a relevant and simple way to evaluate our farmers. It is easy to address issues with this tool but driving improvement will need more work. We know that change is essential for sustainable development.” Mr. Tong, Zhuhai Kanglongyuan Import and Export Co., LTD., and supplier of BIOSS Rohstoffe GmbH.

SAI Platform in China 2021

SAI Platform looks forward to continuing to build upon the work of previous years and promote the use of the FSA. Further introduction sessions, farm visits (travel permitting) and in-depth topic specific sessions such as soil, water and biodiversity are planned in the early months of 2021. More details to follow.

Members with interests in China are actively encouraged to contact Jane Duncan and benefit from the support available through the Beijing consultant, Angela Hu.