
Growing a better planet: industry uptake of FSA to meet sustainability targets

30th March 2021

SAI Platform is pleased to release the first in a series of videos showcasing the Farm Sustainability Assessment (FSA) in practice. The video was co-developed with SAI Platform member Nomad Foods and shows how the FSA is part of a bigger approach towards sustainable agriculture for this European market leader in frozen foods.

“Sustainable and resilient agriculture is essential for our business and we are committed to sourcing 100% of our vegetables and potatoes through sustainable farming practices by the end of 2025. Our purpose as a company is to serve the world with better food and using the Farm Sustainability Assessment (FSA) is a great way to ensure we continue to perform at a high level and promote sustainable food production across all our supply chains.”, says Stefan Descheemaeker, CEO, Nomad Foods.

The video is part of SAI Platform’s #GrowingABetterPlanet campaign to raise awareness about the FSA, and how this toolset is helping users achieve their sustainability targets.

The upcoming launch of the new version FSA 3.0, on 20th April, provides an opportunity for interested stakeholders to learn more about the value of this unique toolset. Like Nomad Foods, many of SAI Platform’s members use the FSA in their operations – as well as contributing to its continued development and industry uptake.

If your company is interested in co-creating a video with SAI Platform, get in touch through