
Navigating the EUDR through collaboration and innovation 

24th September 2024

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The European Roundtable for Beef Sustainability (ERBS) launched the popular “EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR) Solutions Forum” webinar series last May to help members of the European beef industry navigate the complexities of beef trade with the new regulation. In partnership with sustainability consultancy Efeca, the series provides members with practical guidance to ensure compliance with the EUDR, which aims to prevent products linked to deforestation from entering the EU market.

ERBS members have found the forums invaluable for demystifying the EUDR with high attendance reflecting the value and support they offer. Dr. Thordis Moeller, Sustainability Director Continental Europe at OSI, praised the collaborative nature of the series, emphasising the importance of sharing insights and experiences. The approach designed by the ERBS for the webinars – breaking down the regulation’s complexities and offering actionable steps – has been particularly well-received by ERBS members.

The series, consisting of five interactive webinars, has so far covered critical topics like beef and soy traceability requirements, risk assessment, risk mitigation, and technological solutions. October’s forum on “Due Diligence Statements,” concludes the series.

To learn more about how the EUDR Solutions Forum has benefitted members of the European beef community tasked with navigating the EUDR, ERBS Livestock Officer Siobhán Bradley sat down with Barry Larkham-Jones, Group Livestock Sustainability & Welfare Senior Manager at Hilton Food Group, and newly appointed Chair of the ERBS Technical Working Group.

What specific insights from the EUDR Solution Forum have you found most valuable?

For Hilton Foods, we found the forum on the EUDR Risk Assessment most valuable. I think the risk assessment is what makes most EU operators nervous right now. We were already working on our risk assessment and gathering the necessary information, but the forum was great for providing a sense check that we were on the same page and there are also elements from this that we have taken to better structure our own assessment.

How has the forum helped you better understand and navigate the complexities of the EUDR so far?

The forum has taken a logical, step by step approach to the whole process. This methodical approach has really allowed us to understand our role in the value chain and what is expected of us as a non-SME operator. The absolute focus on beef has been invaluable as everything we discuss is 100% relative to our business.

Can you share an example of a challenge you’ve faced in implementing EUDR requirements, and how the forum provided potential solutions?

Building our risk assessment has been the biggest challenge we have overcome so far. The forum was really useful for providing suggestions for third party tools that we could use to provide publicly available information that could be utilised with our risk assessment. An example of this is how we are utilising Global Forest Watch to on the one hand assess the risk of deforestation in our sourcing geographies and on the other cross check compliance of geolocations with third party satellite monitoring systems.

In what ways do you feel the ERBS is adding value by providing this series of forums?

The team at the ERBS have a great understanding of the legislation and this is key. This gives us confidence in the guidance that they provide. They also have a very detailed knowledge and understanding of the beef industry itself and, in particular, how the value chain operates in the geographies that are likely to be benchmarked as a ‘high risk’ for deforestation.  

What are your key takeaways from the forum, and how do you plan to implement them in your business?

Key takeaways have been a clear understanding of Hilton Foods’ role in the value chain and the expectations associated with this. The awareness of third-party tools and information sources that we can utilise in our risk assessment and risk mitigation strategies have also proved valuable. As a business, we now have our risk assessment in place and are working on risk mitigation strategies in collaboration with some of our highest risk suppliers and we are finalising our group exercise to map all product lines which are in scope of the EUDR.

How important is it for you to collaborate with other ERBS members when tackling challenges related to the EUDR?

For Hilton Foods, collaboration with other ERBS members is essential, not least because many members are suppliers of products to Hilton Foods, but because as an industry, there needs to be agreement and alignment when we are discussing potential solutions. The EUDR will affect all ERBS members so there is no advantage to working in silo.

The ERBS forums have fostered this sense of collaboration, helping the industry collectively address the challenges posed by the new regulation. The final instalment of the series will take place in October and cover the topic of “Due Diligence Statements”. If you are interested in joining, please contact Siobhán Bradley at