
SAI Platform’s 2022 Annual Report now available online

13th June 2023

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People powered agriculture

SAI Platform releases its’ digital Annual Report 2022. The report presents a change of format with easy-to-read information and a more user-friendly experience for all electronic devices. It features videos, infographics and a shortened version of the report is available for download.

This new digital Annual Report provides a comprehensive summary of our growth, impact and progress over 2022. These include activity performances on the realisation of SAI Platform’s vision and purpose through industry collaboration in our Working Groups, Regional Initiatives and projects as well as our member-led industry solutions the European Roundtable for Beef Sustainability (ERBS), the Farm Sustainability Assessment (FSA), the Sustainable Dairy Partnership (SDP) and the Regenerative Agriculture Programme. It features inspiring messages to our members and the wider eco-sphere from SAI Platform President Robert Erhard and Director General Dionys Forster.

“We stand together as an ever-growing organisation of 170 companies spanning the value chain, and this gives me hope that we can lead the transformation towards a sustainable food system.” 

Robert Erhard, SAI Platform President

2022 also marked a significant year as we celebrated our 20th anniversary by recognising the people who are powering, developing and championing sustainable agriculture.

As we celebrate the progress of the last twenty years, we recognise the urgency to keep growing our power and amplifying our impact by galvanising the food and beverage industry to join us for the next twenty. This is sustainable agriculture powered by people.

“I hope that as members, partners and the wider agri-food community, we continue to inspire and support each other as we have over 2022” 

Dionys Forster, Director General, SAI Platform.