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European Roundtable for Beef Sustainability

The European Roundtable for Beef Sustainability (ERBS) is a multi-stakeholder platform of diverse organisations dedicated to advancing beef sustainability throughout the European region.



The ERBS was formed in 2018 in response to the multiple environmental, social and economic challenges facing the European beef sector. Since then, the ERBS has been bringing together stakeholders from across the value chain to establish a common agenda, drive positive impact and shape the future of beef sustainability in Europe.


The ERBS is represented in six of the largest beef producing countries in Europe and these countries represent 70% of European beef production. Through these Platforms, based in each country, the ERBS is influencing national programmes and connecting 250,000 European farmers with 125 sustainability projects, from training to tool creation, encouraging dialogue across value chains and actively driving measurable progress.


The European Roundtable for Beef Sustainability (ERBS) is a multi-stakeholder platform dedicated to advancing beef sustainability throughout the European region. With members from across the value chain, the ERBS serves as a collaborative framework uniting and coordinating sustainability programmes to deliver measurable and positive impact within the European beef sector. Aligned to the principles of the Global Roundtable for Sustainable Beef (GRSB), the ERBS works closely with the other eleven roundtables from across the globe to drive measurable progress.

The ERBS is represented by a Platform in six of the largest beef producing countries in Europe. Platforms in France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Poland and the UK work together to deliver positive impact in priority action areas including environment, farm management, animal welfare and animal medicines. Going beyond compliance and focusing on continuous improvement, each Platform is committed to measuring and reporting progress against an aligned set of ERBS outcome targets, defined through a materiality analysis and external consultation.

In recognition of the diversity of climates and production systems across Europe, the ERBS’ reporting framework is flexible. It recognises national programmes and allows Platforms to deliver progress in a way that is relevant to the local context.

By promoting a holistic approach to beef production that considers the interconnectedness of environmental stewardship, animal welfare, economic viability, and social responsibility, the ERBS is demonstrating the European beef industry’s commitment to sustainability and driving positive change.

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