Who We Are

SAI Platform is the primary global value chain initiative for sustainable agriculture.

Our Vision & Purpose

We empower our members, catalyse change and drive sustainable practices.

Our Vision & Purpose illustration

Our Vision

A sustainable, thriving and resilient agricultural sector that protects the earth’s resources, human rights and animal welfare.

Our Purpose

To harness the collaborative power of our members to accelerate the widespread adoption of sustainable agriculture practices and the transformation to sustainable food systems.

Our Members

SAI Platform is a non-profit network of over 180 members worldwide.

Working together our members are advancing sustainable agricultural practices through pre-competitive collaboration.

Lorenz Snack-World picture

Lorenz Snack-World

Louis Dreyfus Company illustration

Louis Dreyfus Company

Louisiana Sugar Refining picture

Louisiana Sugar Refining

Lyckeby (SSF) picture

Lyckeby (SSF)

Manitoba Harvest picture

Manitoba Harvest

Mars illustration


McCain illustration


McCormick illustration


We have a diverse and inclusive membership across the agricultural supply chain.

Our active members are companies from the food and drink industry, including farmer cooperatives, manufacturers, processors, retailers and traders.

Farmer cooperative illustration

Farmer cooperative

Processor illustration


Manufacturer illustration


Retailer illustration


Trader illustration


Our affiliate members are agricultural and farm support associations, assurance schemes and standard organisations, farm service and input providers, as well as non-food and drink companies who source agricultural products.

Agricultural and farm support association illustration

Agricultural and farm support association

Assurance schemes and standard organisation illustration

Assurance schemes and standard organisation

Farm service and input provider illustration

Farm service and input provider

Non-food and drink companies who source agricultural commodities illustration

Non-food and drink companies who source agricultural commodities


Partners are likeminded organisations we work with on specific projects.

Our partners include organisations around the world working in a similar area to us. We collaborate and share knowledge without competing.


SAI Platform Executive Committee and Advisory Council are appointed by members and a core team enables our work to be done.


Our management and conduct are governed by specific statutes and by-laws and all our activities comply with anti-trust guidelines.