European Roundtable for Beef Sustainability recognises initiatives across Europe
16th January 2020
Initiatives driven by the beef industry in France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Poland and the UK are the first to be recognised by the European Roundtable for Beef Sustainability (ERBS) as committed to making progress on eight targets vital to the sustainability of beef production across Europe.
The ERBS aims to bring stakeholders together pre-competitively to coordinate and accelerate the delivery of sustainability in the beef industry. In 2019, following consultation with organisations across Europe, the ERBS outlined eight sustainability targets to be met by 2030 for European beef production in the areas of environment, animal medicines, animal health and welfare and farm management.
To achieve these targets, Platforms have been developed in six European countries which aim to benchmark information on sustainability performance each year as well as give beef producers access to knowledge, tools and support to meet these challenging goals.
“The continued sustainability of beef production in Europe is of vital importance to both customers and farmers. The ERBS has brought together organisations across Europe and across the full value chain to define key targets for sustainability and generate programmes in multiple countries which involve a range of industry partners.” said Sarah Haire, chair of ERBS.
“We are delighted to now recognise the first Platforms aligned to these targets which will transparently benchmark performance and lead on the ground activity to continuously improve the sustainability of beef production practices.”
“We understand that sustainability is a moving target and the programmes we are working on today will continuously evolve to meet customer expectations and external challenges. We are committed to expanding the reach of these initiatives and welcome the opportunity to work with new partners with an interest in the sustainability of beef production in Europe to help, challenge and inform our work in the future.”
For more information on the work of ERBS, the plans that each of the Platforms have developed and contact details for ERBS and Platform leads.