Executive Committee elections
21st March 2024
SAI Platform is electing a new Executive Committee
SAI Platform has officially commenced the election process for a new Executive Committee (ExCo). Elected every two years, the ExCo assumes a pivotal role in guiding SAI Platform while drawing upon its members’ dedication, drive, and industry expertise to steer the organisation towards its goals.
By the 17th May 2024, the nine new or re-elected ExCo members will be determined with a formal endorsement to take place at SAI Platform’s General Assembly in Durban, South Africa, on June 24, 2024.
The expectation is that the incoming ExCo members will continue the momentum of success established by their predecessors, providing essential leadership to realise the organisation’s strategic objectives as outlined in the 2025-2030 strategy.
All full members, regardless of sector or company size, are strongly encouraged to consider standing for election. A full list of candidate requirements and details regarding the application process can be accessed via My SAI Platform. Affiliate members are not eligible for election to ExCo.
Diversity and a balanced representation are fundamental factors in SAI Platform’s Executive Committee. Representatives covering all categories including retail, manufacturing and farmer cooperatives are strongly encouraged to stand for election. Broad global representation and gender balance are also important.
Working hand in hand with the Secretariat, the ExCo is responsible for driving organisational activities, aligning strategic objectives with the vision and purpose, and ensuring financial viability. For more details, consult the Terms of Reference for ExCo members.
SAI Platform thanks the outgoing ExCo for the hard work, time and energy that they have invested throughout their tenure on the Committee. It is greatly appreciated by both Members and the Secretariat.