News and views from SAI Platform, our members and across the sustainable agriculture sector

Driving sustainability progress in the European beef sector

ERBS Annual Event 2025: Accelerating progress for a resilient beef sector

Navigating the EUDR through collaboration and innovation

Shaping the future of European beef sustainability

Practical solutions for mitigating GHG emissions in the beef sector

The impact of the EU Deforestation Regulation on the European beef industry

Celebrating five years of ERBS collaboration

A significant milestone as Platforms enter second reporting cycle on ERBS Outcome Targets

2023 ERBS Annual Event: Enhancing Beef Sustainability through Research and Technology

The ERBS increases its global presence

The ERBS is shaping the future of beef sustainability

Focusing on igniting positive impact together – Part 1

ERBS Annual Member Event 2022

Driving action on GHG emissions in the beef sector

The ERBS commissions independent literature review

The ERBS achieves significant milestone

ERBS Platforms demonstrate commitment to sustainable beef production

ERBS introduces new Platform process and guidance for reporting and assessment

ERBS welcomes globally aligned targets for sustainable beef

Interview Claire Donoghue: “Working as a multi-stakeholder group is vital to the success of the ERBS.”

New ERBS webpage goes live

Developing greater sustainability in the European beef sector

Elections for ERBS Board

European Roundtable for Beef Sustainability recognises initiatives across Europe

“Beef sustainability is not a new phenomenon…”